Thank you to all GMB members who took part in the recent survey consulting on what your aspirations were for pay this year. The results were discussed at a joint meeting of the GMB National Local Government and Schools Committees on 11th January 2023 and it was agreed that GMB would ask for the following to be included in this year’s pay claim:
- RPI +2%, or £2000 payment on SCP2-43, whichever is the greater, fully funded by government.
- Restoration of the SEN Allowance in mainstream schools.
- An additional day’s annual leave for personal / wellbeing purposes. For Term Time Only staff this equates to an additional day of leave during term time.
- A home working allowance for staff where it is a requirement for them to work from home.
The NJC Executive (GMB, Unison and Unite), met on 16th January 2023 to discuss each unions proposed pay claim. The following has been agreed for the joint union pay claim for 2023/24 and this has now been submitted to the Local Government Association.
NJC PAY CLAIM: 2023/24
- An increase of RPI+2% on all spinal column points.
In addition:
- Consideration of a flat rate increase to hourly rates of pay in order to bring the minimum rate up to £15 per hour within two years.
- A review and improvement of NJC terms for family leave and pay.
- A review of job evaluation outcomes for school staff whose day to day work includes working on Special Educational Needs (SEN).
- An additional day of annual leave for personal or well-being purposes.
- A homeworking allowance for staff from whom it is a requirement to work from home.
- A reduction in the working week by two hours.
- A review of the pay spine, including looking at the top end, and discussions about the link between how remuneration can be used to improve retention.
You can request a copy of the detailed pay claim from your local GMB Representative.
Employers will now be briefed on the joint union pay claim and we expect pay negotiations to commence before the end of February. Further updates will follow in due course.
Would you like information on becoming a GMB Representative in your workplace? Email:- Publicservices@gmb.org.uk
Not a GMB member? Join today at www.gmb.org.uk/join
Posted: 15th February 2023